Coming when called is a highly desirable skill for dogs to learn. It allows your dog much greater freedom in the world. They can run around off lead and you have the knowledge they will return when called. There are a number of fun games out there to improve your dogs...
“Cool your jets, Fido!” Teaching calm behaviour to your dog is as essential as walking on a loose lead, coming when called and being confident in the world. For some dogs this comes naturally. They’re temperament is a sweet and gentle soul, calm behaviour is as...
Preparation is key when bringing a new puppy home How exciting, you are getting a new puppy. It is a lot of work but starting out right, to prepare for the new puppy can make all the difference. If you are still deciding if a puppy is right for you check out my...
When thinking about getting a puppy, it’s important to do your research and consider choices carefully. When you aren’t sure what or where to ask to ensure the best puppy for you and your family it can be very difficult. The purpose of this blog is to help you decide...
Dog trainers, dog lovers and animal enthusiasts have been able to teach dogs to do amazing behaviours. Trainers have developed a myriad of techniques and strategies for teaching a vast array of behaviours. Social media is abound with videos and pictures of dogs...
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